Science Fiction & Fantasy Books by Author Jason Borrego

Science Fiction & Fantasy Books are separated by a very thin line. Many scholars claim the difference between the two powerful genres is possible vs. the impossible. In my novels I blend both worlds trying to make the experience grounded in reality, but supernatural in nature.

Science Fiction is based on science and fancies a variety of possible futures. The same is true in the Mutant World of Rite, the fictional world in which my books occur. The Mutant World of Rite is a fictional universe that combines the elements of science fiction and fantasy in a truly ominous setting that transcend physics and nature. The steampunk world taps into the familiar dystopian end of the world vibe and injects it with a nasty dose of fright.  The Mutant World of Rite fiction assumes that most modern life occurred roughly parallel to the real world up until late in the twenty-first century. The setting takes place thousands of years after a series of catastrophic events shatter the planet Earth. The Mutant World of Rite was born thousands of years ago with a foundational event that makes this alternative world different from our own.

After the dust settled new land masses emerged creating a terrifying new world—a world transformed beyond compare. Humanities last hope comes with the discovery of a new super element—Corpse Rock. The magical fuel burns a thousand times stronger than fossil fuels, but its true nature is something sinister. Still, the element starts a new crave that ushers in an industrial evolution that fuels steam-powered weapons. The steampunk revolution balances the scales; however, the toxic fumes smoking the skies have awakened something far more deadly. Humans once at the top of the food chain struggle to survive day-to-day. The mutations have produced otherworldly monsters, the machines of the old world became independent and dream.

Fantasy is rooted in the supernatural and explores the realm of the impossible. Fantasy’s inspiration is inspired by mythology, folklore, and fairy tales and often takes place in the past. A mixture of chemicals and alien compounds in the Mutant World of Rite helped define supernatural races and alien environments. The races of the new world were genetically different. Some remained human—others took on foul traits best left to storytellers. Races were no longer divided by color alone, from elves to goblins, monsters and spirits the world was transformed. Modest earth worms grew larger than whales, the dead began to rise, and demons were again bound to the earth. Most of the population that survived elected to follow science or the arcane, abandoning faith and love.

Science Fiction & Fantasy Books by Author Jason Borrego:

Combing the two elements gives readers a truly original experience that is sure to test ones limits. The scientific aspects attempts to give rational explanations for the supernatural phenomenon that occurs through the vast world.

The Mutant world of Rite explores concepts that don’t belong in the real world. The dystopias that help bring this worlds to life is both frightening and liberating. Both of the genres explore the eternal battle of good vs. evil in vibrant, emotional settings and situations. The best part in my opinion is the fantastic creatures and creations that are brought to life during the stories. Such things as elves, and dragons, and even dreaming robots. It’s exciting to turn the page and suddenly discover a new monster or delightful beast. Miles beneath the earth lies the ruins of humanity from the twentieth century begging to be explored and timeless treasures plundered.

Science Fiction & Fantasy Books