By Jason Borrego

Overcoming the Odds

My daughter, Emma Rose fell into my life like a heart attack, five years from this very day.

Born at 33 weeks without a heartbeat the doctors and nurses worked vigorously to bring my flower back to life. After several minutes hope was hanging on prayer… On my knees in tears and shouldering unbearable pain I prayed a hundred-miles an hour for the Most High to save my baby from the grave. The determined staff looked down with defeat in their tired worldly eyes. Still one covered in blood, sweat and tears thumbed away at her fading chest.

In my mind I saw a resonating light brighter that the sun. The smoothing darkness burned away. A thunderous voice chased away all of my fears.

I turned my back on God for so many years, yet He would never turn his back on me…

God’s weightless hands gave her tiny soul a gentle squeeze.

He wiped away my tears and my overwhelming distress.

I looked up through red, puffy eyes, my heart pounding through my chest.

What did I see?

A single arc on the LCD.

Emma Rose was brought back to life to show the world His everlasting love.

Weighing in at just over 3 ounces, our struggles were just beginning. A fight to the END…

If you’re looking for a miracle close your eyes for the very breath you breathe is a gift from the Most High.

Happy Birthday my sweet little child. you have given me a million reasons to smile.

Overcoming the Odds